How to create your own Fiverr like site using WordPress

People often found me repeating one of my favorite thought about WordPress, “It’s capable enough to do just everything” and that comes true every time. When it comes to WordPress, it took no time to turn any idea into a reality.

You know you can create a variety of sites using WordPress, since the day it has come into existence, it’s used as primary blogging software, and with the introduction of Custom Post Types, things have been totally changed.

Nowadays, WordPress is used as a, more of CMS rather than just a blogging platform, and with the debut of app themes, I can say to transform your WordPress blog into a dedicated niche specific site is just a click away.

I love WordPress, not just because it’s my bread and butter and it helps me in making living out of it, but it is more about ease of usage. Let’s face the fact, we all blog for money, followed by passion and other such words.

Moving a step ahead today I am going to show you a completely new way to make money using WordPress. Some of you might have been already aware of it, but I am sure a majority of WordPress bloggers will found it totally new, exciting and promising.

Well okay, almost all of you have been very well familiar with, the World’s most popular micro-job site, that allows anyone to post and buy creative gigs, starting from just $5.

The Fiverr Concept

It’s one of the most different concepts on the web, where the seller posts a job, and a buyer will purchase that job for the given bucks. The revenue model is pretty transparent, they take 20% revenue share out of every sale. And then there are featured gigs, where the seller has to pay a given amount of fees as a charge for featuring their paid gigs.

Additionally, a user can earn more by adding complimentary gigs where the buyer pays extra for more bundled offers.

Earlier it seems to be an impossible desire for average non-coder bloggers like you and me to raise a Fiverr like site. While, if we’re going to hire any developer to code everything from scratch then, it could turn in to huge bills, which is obvious that traditional bloggers can’t afford, at a time.

pricerr wordpress theme create fiverr like site

Pricerr, the WordPress Fiverr theme

Enter Pricerr, the World’s only and the best WordPress theme to create a micro-job website like Fiverr. It’s a Premium theme, that allows you to transform your regular WordPress blog into a full-fledged micro job site where sellers could offer fixed small price tasks and the buyers can make the payment using multiple services like PayPal,, AlertPay, and Google in 25 different currencies.

I think those 25 currencies cover almost all countries to accept payment and still if you want to accept the payment into a new currency, then the developer of the theme is also offering custom payment gateway integration with the currency of your choice.

What are the requirements to get started?

1. A catchy domain name – Starts from $10. It’s always better to get a short domain name for your site, something that immediately strikes on the visitor’s mind.

2. A reliable hosting plan – Starts from roughly $120. That’s the basic requirement before raising any website. Yes, for starting days, you can get a decent shared hosting plan from any reliable WordPress hosting providers. However, I prefer Hostgator (this blog is hosted on a shared Hostgator plan) as they had never let me down, as well as they are affordable too. However, once you start getting traffic to your site, you can instantly move on to better resources.

3. Buy Pricerr theme for WordPress – Starts from $70 a single site license, or if you’re a developer then you can also opt for a developer license, which allows you to install Pricerr theme on as many of your sites or even on your client’s site. If you are unsure, then don’t panic, as you can upgrade your license later on, by just paying the price difference.

Overall, it cost you roughly around $200 to get started!

So, you’ve got the domain, a hosting account and a licensed copy of Pricerr theme, now what?

  • If you’re already aware of how to set up and configure, your new domain name with your hosting account then it’s fine, else follow this detailed knowledge base at Godaddy.
  • Now you’ve configured the domain name with your hosting provider, check that your domain is propagated well.
  • Once, you’re done with the domain propagation, it’s time to install WordPress, still, want a helping hand? check out this step by step installation guide at WordPress.
  • Finally, you’re ready with your fresh WordPress site, now the next step is to install the Pricerr theme using FTP.

To install the theme, just navigate to the dashboard>Appearance>Themes>Install themes and select upload. Now use the following uploader box to upload the Pricerr theme .zip file. Once, you’ve uploaded the theme file, now just push the activate button, and you’ve successfully installed the Pricerr on your WordPress installation.

pricerr installation activate

Configuring Pricerr theme settings

Site summary

pricerr theme dashbaord

The Pricerr, adds a full set of the configurable panel inside WP-admin, it automatically appears above the “Dashboard” tab, and the very first option you could see is a site summary.

It’s a basic summary about your Fiverr site, which shows a total number of active jobs are available on your site, how many of them are closed and the actual count of users, administrators, and subscribers, so you don’t need to find them manually within the WordPress users settings.

Main settings

pricerr general settings

Here you could see, there are loads of options to configure, beginning with the number of extras, which is actually the no of extra complimentary jobs, a seller could offer along with a micro-job, the default settings come with “10,” and you can set it with your desirable value, I want to go with default settings for now.

You could make a visitor profile, more appealing by enabling country flags, but for that, you need to get a key at  If you want to manually approve each job before it gets listed, check the “admin approves each request” to  “yes,” while, its good to have a blog on your site, it helps you to connect with the visitors and lets you post anything regarding your website, etc.

Further, you could set, the job listing period, featured jobs period, a number of jobs to appear on the homepage, etc.

In the next filter tab, it filters out your email addresses and URLs. The third tab is to configure whether you want to enable shipping for jobs or not. While, the last two tabs are for enabling social logins within your Fiverr like site, using Facebook and Twitter profiles.

But, to make it work you need to install a third-party plugin from the WordPress directory named “WordPress Social login.”

Layout settings

pricerr layout settings

The theme, fairly allows you to customize just everything from the Dashboard with easy to configure set of options. You could select one of the four layouts, tick the Yes button if you want “how it works banner” to be displayed right below the header portion of your site, and you can also define your own slogans there.

In the next header tab, it resides a single option to upload the site logo, while the footer tab allows you to edit the left side and right side footer area content of your site. The last tab is to set colors for background, footer, and top links.

Email settings

email settings pricerr theme

Now, this is the email junction of your site, it comes with a tab to configure each and every email which will be generated from your site. It seems to be a bit stuffy, and hard to configure, but be assured as there’s very little to customize, albeit only the modifications you want to add within each email template rest each tab is already filled with default email content and tags.

Yes, each email template is fully customizable, with the help of a simple editor and a list of tags is also added for quick input. You can even enable or disable each email template, as the email subject can be easily edited for each of them.

 Pricing settings

currency settings for pricerr theme

As I’ve already mentioned above, the Pricerr theme supports nearly 25 currencies across the World, there’s US dollars, Euros, Canadian Dollars, Swiss Franks, British Pounds, Singapore Dollars, Brazilian Real, Indian Rupees, Russian Ruble, and Mexican Pesos, to name a few.

Next tab allows you to set the initial job fees for a listing, the default is set to noting, while for the featured job listing you can set the amount, withdrawn limit for the seller and the most important, the fee you’ll charge upon each job completion. It can be set as, in % values or, you can also define a solid amount as, a charge from each sale.

The third job values tab, makes you set the fixed starting amount for a new job or allowing the seller to select the job price from the dropdown job values, which can be defined from the last fourth tab, as seen in the screenshot above.

Payment Gateways

payment gateways in pricerr theme

The Pricerr theme comes with hassle-free built-in gateway integration to accept payments from PayPal, AlertPay, Moneybookers, iDeal. All you need to do is enable, and add the respected email account for each service and you are done! If you also want to enable offline payments then you could also configure the last tab to add your bank details, as well.

Withdraw requests

Withdraw requests pricerr theme wordpress

Under this tab, you’ll get notifications when every time, a seller will raise withdrawal requests from his account interface. All you need to do is check whether the raised withdraw requests are qualified enough to make a payment, then you may manually transfer the virtual amount specified in his requests with the real money into his PayPal account from yours.

User balances

user balances

It’s a panel to check out, the balance of each and every single user activity on your site, there’s nothing to configure. However, you can increase and decrease cash from any account with any amount you want, just with the push of an update button, next to each user profile.

Insite Transactions

Insite transactions

Nothing you’ve to configure either in this settings tab. This is just a log of every single transaction which, takes place on your site.



This order tab, is to monitor all orders on your site, in the first Active tab you can see all orders which are under active status on your site, next to it is a search active orders tab, third is delivered orders tab, followed by its search tab, and then the completed, closed, etc. So again, there’s nothing to set, just monitor all your order activities under these settings.

 User Reviews

User review

All reviews added by users on your site will be available under this tab, and in case if you want to access a review of a single, specific user then you may use the search user tab, next to it.

Private Messages

private messages

Pricerr comes well-integrated with a native private messaging system that allows your seller and buyers to let easily communicate about any job listing etc. Under this tab, you could see and moderate all private messaging activities going through on your site.

 Tracking Tools

tracking tools pricerr wordpress theme

The easiest way to track visitors on your site is Google Analytics, just throw in your analytics code and save. While, if you’re interested in any other such tracking services besides Google Analytics then you could use the other tracking tools tab for easier implementation of the tracking code.

 Advertising Spaces

advertising spaces

The last tab under Pricerr theme settings, and the crucial one, if you want to monetize your site besides of those paid featured job listing, and the commission you get upon each job completion. You can add advertisement or banner code under these tabs of your homepage, job page, category page and single blog or even normal page of your site areas.

Pricerr Job & Request post types

request and job post types pricerr theme

Once, you’re done with the settings part, next comes the Jobs area, a separate custom post types aside of your traditional WordPress blog posts. It consists of all the jobs, published on your site, and there are two custom taxonomies to further classify your job posts, by job categories and job locations. You can mass delete, modify all of your jobs from this panel.

Editing a job

pricerr theme admin screenshot

No, you’re not going to edit the job posts this way, but in case if you want then this is the admin view of editing a job, there’s an option to edit each and every detail about the job.

Similarly, are the Requests post types, they are just the dupe of the “Jobs” post types, where a user requests his demand of a specific task, filled from the front-end of the side.


Well, that was the complete overview of Pricerr, WordPress Fiverr theme, I’ve covered every single setting from the admin side. Now it’s time to quickly go through the front end interface of the default Pricerr theme installation.

Posting a new Job from the front-end of Pricerr

New micro job post screenshot from pricerr theme

This is a sample page from the front-end of the site, where any visitor can submit a new job post, you could see how neat the page appears, I mean everything is so professional that anyone can be easily impressed with the front end interface of your site.

default user interface

Now comes the default account of a basic seller on your site, where he/she can manage all his jobs, access their payments stats, manage sales, read all of their private messages, update their personal information and lastly the user reviews and feedbacks, they had received upon any job completion.

 A sample micro-job posted on Pricerr

A sample job posted on Pricerr theme WordPRess

Lastly, this is the sample micro-job posting on the site illustrating, he will deliver a Powerpoint presentation for a mere $12. A job post comes with every basic stats that make the site appear more professional, such as the number of orders in the queue, seller rating, number of views for the given jobs, a seller level badge, timestamp, ratings and a built-in like a system for improved user interaction.

Final thoughts

If you are really considering to create your own Fiverr like the site, then nothing could be better other than this WordPress Pricerr theme, not just because this is the only option to raise such a site using WordPress but, it’s more about ease of usage.

Running a Fiverr like site requires a plethora of features, which becomes even more difficult to manage but, with Pricerr theme, it becomes so easy to create, customize, monitor, and maintain that even a novice, WordPress user could raise his own Fiverr like site.

71 thoughts on “How to create your own Fiverr like site using WordPress”

  1. Hi there, I really enjoyed reading your article! Does Pricerr theme allow users to rate people for their services? Thank you for this information. It is very useful.

  2. oky. how can i promote my site as i dont have money to invest in business? what are the ways? i can use seo by yoast by admin , then what about users. help me how to get traffic to my website as astater by giving me different methods

  3. Hi, I’m trying to design a website where volunteers can help complete jobs free without being paid. Is it possible for me to remove the payment option using pricerr?

  4. Fiverr have “compare packages” feature while I have seen the Pricerr template didn’t have it. How I can add Cross/Up selling button with Pricerr? I really need it.

  5. I like your theme, One question – I want to charge a small amount as Fees for all job seekers as well aas employers.
    Does it have a provision for same?


  6. hello, i have set up the pricerr theme but when users sign up they are requested to check their email for password and when they do they find nothing. please what should i do on the email setting?

    1. Howdy Raphael,

      In the WP Admin Dashboard > Pricerr Theme > Email settings > New User email

      Make sure in the “Email Settings” tab you had set “Allow HTML in emails” to “Yes.”

      Also, in the “New User Email” tab, inside the “Email content section” verify that it has all these tags

      “Hello ##username##,

      Welcome to our website.
      Your username: ##username##
      Your password: ##user_password##

      Login here: ##site_login_url##

      Thank you,
      ##your_site_name## Team”

      Hope that fixes your issue :)

  7. Dear Sir,

    My name is Min and I am from Myanmar. I would like to create a platform like Fiver and have done some study how to do it.

    However, I have zero knowledge on developing websites and IT stuff. So is it possible for me to do it on my own?

    I also understand from your blogs that I need to have a domain then buy a wordpress script and micro-job engine etc.

    So here’s the thing;

    1) Do I need to hire an IT expert/ agent or a part-time web developer to help me create the website?

    2) I would like to start off locally first, I mean only for Myanmar Seller and Buyer. So can it be done in Myanmar Language?

    3) Payment methods are different in Myanmar. Very few people use online payment gateway such as PayPal, master/ visa. So is it possible to use local payment method such as bank transfer, mobile pay, etc.

    4) Since culture is different in here, I also would like to charge seller monthly as in monthly subscription for a small amount on top of 10% fees on each service sold? Is that a bad idea?

    5) I am not going to use all categories available in Fiver. Like I said about cultural difference, only some of the categories such as graphic design, music, translation etch will be useful in here.

    6) Once the website is completely up, do I need a team comprising IT and admin staff to monitor traffic, screen messages containing contacts information, handle complaints etc?

    7) Later on, if I like to invite international sellers to my site, how will I close the gap in different currency and payment gateway? Is it ok if local people transfer to my bank account, then I use PayPal to pay the international seller (I have a PayPal account) once service is deemed satisfactory between buyer and seller?

    8) Should I engage professional marketing agency to get more traffic on the site? Such as SEO, digital marketing etc.

    9) The last question is if I hire your good service to help me solve all above miseries including from looking for a domain to maintain the website, what are the steps and how will you be able to help me.

    Thank you and I look forward to your reply.



    1. Hello Ko Min,

      Thanks for dropping by!

      Indeed, these WordPress based solutions are created just to empower small business owner to run big sites with minimal budget and little workforce.

      1. If you know how to use the internet, then you won’t need to hire any developer or any expert to create the website.
      2. Surely, you can translate the theme into your language on your own.
      3. The theme has built-in payment to enable offline payment via bank transfer, for integrating other local payment gateway you need hire some developer.
      4. Unfortunately, I’ve zero knowledge about the culture of Myanmar, so I believe I’m not the right person to comment on your idea. However, you can give it a try, if it works then fine or else there’s always an option try plan B.
      5. Makes sense to me.
      6. No, you alone are enough to handle everything. You should install Google Analytics to monitor the traffic data or WordPress stats with Jetpack.
      7. At small scale, it seems feasible to let the international buyer pay you via PayPal and later you can transfer the amount locally to respective seller. Make sure, PayPal charges small amount from the payment you receive, so please keep it in mind before offering such payment option.
      8. If your budget allows then why not? or else you should start learning digital marketing on your own, there are many informative guides available on the web.
      9. I can help you wherever you get stuck, you can contact me directly using this page Contact me.

      Hope that helps :)

  8. I finish building a brand new website. AND NOW WHAT? No one is going to sign up for a completely new website. How do I start?

    1. Howdy Sarah,

      Glad that you managed to create your Fiverr like site on your own :)

      Surely, it’s a challenge for beginners to bring traffic to their brand new site.

      • You can try to make a presence on social media such as Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp.
      • Share your website’s social media profiles with your friends.
      • Post your website in various website directory related to your region (yellow pages).
      • Post your website in related Facebook groups.
      • Use SEO plugins such as Yoast to optimize your content for search engines.
      • You can use guest posts to promote your website on other blogs.
      • You can use YouTube videos to bring potential visitors to your site in an engaging way.

      It’ll take some time to bring audience to your new site but, it’s definitely possible.

      Hope that helps :)

  9. what about payments for the gigs? what payments methods are available? like fiverr it has paypal, credit cards, pioneer cards etc, are these ones available to pricerr to assist buyers with more payment options to pay for the gigs?

    1. Indeed Atwabi, Pricerr is integrated with PayPal, Moneybookers/Skrill and Payz/AlertPay to assist the buyers for making payments. Additionally, you can get any payment gateway integrated, with the help of the developer of the theme.

      1. oky when it comes to setting jobs bu users as you describes above to front end of pricerr, how do we set that.?

  10. am back i need to know every thing before i buy this them: fist of all do i need to publish every thing via word press admin dashboard or i use Price admin dashboard?
    secondary,on fiverr there is option for setting prices like diamond,gold,platinum when your setting price. does pricerr have this option?

    1. If you’re an admin, then there will be certain things you need to do from the WP-admin like publishing regular WordPress pages, post on blog and configuring all the theme settings from the WP-admin etc for your site. On the other hand, if you’ve a regular task like posting a new gig, managing your gigs, payments, private messaging etc, then you can do them from the Pricerr’s front-end based account interface.

      No, there’s no price settings like diamond, gold or platinum. Though, there’s an additional job feature “For an extra $ ” I will “do something more”

          1. when your go to fiverr, down the foot, is where they have about page, service page, contact page etc. do i publish these ones in wordpress? what about the gigs services? when you go to fiverr and click on service like log, there is aheading and under that is where we find gigs. how do they do this?

          2. It’s always a good idea to tell your visitor about your site, how it works page, terms of service etc, so yeah you should publish those pages. Unfortunately, I’m unable to properly understand your second question. Though, according to my assumption you’re asking about the categories, like design and when you click on that specific category, you’ll be taken to an archive of all the gigs related to that category, i.e. design.

            It’s included with the theme, and when user will appropriately select the category of their gig while, submitting their gigs. The submitted gig will go live in the respective category archive, be it design, computer programming etc.

            Hope that helps :)

  11. Hello, I like the template very much. I was wondering since Fiverr, has a membership aspect to it, how does your template keep track and even automate new memberships and membership page edits?

  12. Translated by Loco Translate and does not go to the Portuguese language in the folder of the thema, but the file is there mo and po. Also downloaded Loco Translate the translated files put the mo files and po in wp languagens with the beginning of the name issue-pt_BR and does not translate. Are there any secrets to more to translate?

  13. Could you tell me how to put a price range? Like on Fiverr, things are sold at $5. How is it done? And is there any way to set a maximum price range beyond which they vendors are not allowed to charge? Say I give them the freedom to decide their own price, but I do not let them charge more than $100 per product.


    1. Hey Frenia,

      The Pricerr Theme comes with three Job Value options available inside Pricing Settings.

      1. You can decide a fixed job amount, it’ll be set universally on your site.


      2. There’s a second option to enable free input, if you choose this option then the job poster has the freedom to enter any amount for his job.

      3. There’s a third option to enable drop down values to be selected by the poster, you can define standard values like, $5, $10, $15, $20 and so on.

      So I think, the third option will be the solution for you, you can define custom price value till $100.

      Hope that helps :)


  14. Tariq Al Husseini

    I just installed this theme however i have a few questions.

    Does this pricerr theme have the offers similiar to fiverr?

    Are badges automated?

    Does this site have the ability to set offers?
    similar to

    1. Hey there Tariq,

      By offers you mean those extras like, “For an extra $$$” I will do..” ? If yes, then no worries, as the theme has the ability to set offers for the individual jobs.

      No I believe badges are manual with the Pricerr theme, and you’ve to manually update the badges level.

      Hope that helps,

      Further, I assume now that you have purchased the theme, hence you should use to raise any of your queries about the theme, as they know their theme inside-out and are in better state to answer your doubts.


  15. Hey I just want to know whether can I change the column/row headings in this theme. Or please also tell me whether can I add AJAX, PHP in this theme. whether can I set my own settings into theme like if I need to add slider on it? Or Ineed to add my new buttons on it? i need my own formatting. can i do ththat please be transparent so that it can help me in my site. Also tellme whether can I use my own plugins in the theme? Whether they will work.


    1. Hey there Abhishek,

      As long as you know, the back-end and front-end programming that includes PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc then I believe you could do any changes to just any WordPress theme, not just this Fiverr theme.

      Yes, you can create your plugin to make it work with theme, but you need to thoroughly test your modifications etc whether they are working properly or might not be interfering with the core theme, rest trust my words that if you know how to code the right way then anything is possible with any theme, any plugin and of course with WordPress, sky is the limit.

      Hope that helps, feel free to ask me anything that comes to your mind :)

  16. Hi, may I ask of it has to be called “job” …is there any way to change this as I can’t use the word “job” in my concept …?

  17. Hi

    I am interested to know if this can allow users to upload videos of their gigs or i need to add on something?

    Am interested to get it going. Please send me an email to have a basic chat.


    1. Hey Daniel,

      Yes! absolutely your site users can upload videos of their jobs/gigs with built in feature and you won’t need to add anything extra to the theme.

      Sure, you can reach me at


  18. Hi,

    Does this theme allow for admins to create custom fields for job postings to make sure all relevant information is being captured for jobs?

    1. Hey T,

      Well, the theme has plenty of inbuilt fields for the job postings on your site but, if you need anything extra, you can always hire a developer or you can also do it on your own, if you’re good with coding.


  19. Hi there I love what this theme those and I am sold but I m wondering if it will work for my project. I m trying to set up a site for my business, its a Mailing address company that forward mail and packages to the caribbean. I will be offering services as Personal shopper, consolidation package, repacking, store etc. I need know if you think this theme will work for this project.

    Please email me back right away its very important!!!

    1. Hey there,

      Apologies for my delayed response.

      Well, this theme is designed for posting quick jobs and I doubt this theme will fit for your mailing business company, out of the box.

      I’ve found an another theme for your needs, called as ShipMe – Shipping Carriers Marketplace, take a look at this theme, and if you think it will fit for your needs, then I’ll first write an article about this theme, especially for you.

      Hope that helps :)


  20. christos pavlidis

    i buy it yesterday…now i am waiting domain and hosting….please talk me in my email to ask you something

    1. Hey Christos, I had not tested this Fiverr Script v6.0. However, I would prefer Pricerr theme over any other custom Fiverr script, not just because it’s affordable, moreover it’s based on WordPress, which is highly SEO friendly in comparable to any custom PHP script. Hope that helps. :)

  21. Great article ! thank you. isearch for this topic and definitly your post show me the way to create a fiverr like site. Lots of details and clear explanation.
    Great job , i buy via your link ’cause you deserve it.
    Frank Moreno

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